This is my very first posting -- welcome to all of you who will read this blog and any future postings. Let's face it, we probably all spend way too much time at our computers, and too little time enjoying our friends and family IRL. But sometimes blogging IS the fastest, easiest way to keep in touch -- and if you're like me, you do a lot of it in the middle of the night. So here we are.
I'm writing today in Hong Kong, having just spent three weeks
sourcing new products in Bangkok, Delhi, Guangzhou (the great
Canton Fair), and Hong Kong. I've seen a lot, and am happy to write that I accomplished what I set out to complete. I've also witnessed first hand how the general panic over the economy is affecting commerce around the world. The big trade fairs in Asia continue on, business-as-usual, but where are the buyers? And specifically, where are the Americans? No matter where I am, be it trade show, coffee house, train station, or hotel lobby, the conversation centers on two topics: the state of the economy (where are the American buyers?), and who's going to be the next president of the United States (these are the two BEST candidates of each party that the great country of America has to offer?).
My best days this trip were in Delhi, India. I was shopping for new products for Silk Road Spirit, my fledgling fashion accessories business, and having a ball! I'm sure I reviewed more than a thousand new shawls, scarves, stoles, pashminas (take your pick of names to describe those lovely things) in search of the very best first collection. The color and variety of wools, silks, cashmeres, linens and cottons was quite stunning... overwhelming, really. The creativity of the designs, the skills of the weavers, the richness of the blends were a joy to behold. Besides the work, I have many wonderful friends in India now, garnered over many years of travel there. Yes, I had a good and productive trip to Delhi!
I am looking forward to putting this first collection together, photographing it and getting it online for you to enjoy. I'm also looking forward to hearing from you -- so please do write (that is, BLOG), and tell me what you think. Great days ahead!